The Bruce Highway
Michele: The Bruce Highway runs the entire east coast of Australia through the state of Queensland. It links cities along its 1700 km length and in some parts, like northern Queensland, it is the only N-S road. The Bruce Highway is the lifeblood of transport -- think route 95 on the east coast or highway 101 on the west coast of the US. Trucks hauling double loads, caravans, and commuters all travel this road.
In our neck of the woods, the Bruce Highway
looks like any other two lane road. This picture shows sugar cane fields on the left and banana plantation on the right. A few days ago on a shopping trip to Innisfail, we managed to inadvertently get off the Bruce Highway without realizing it. At another point that day, we were searching for the Bruce Highway and hadn't realized that we'd been on it for 5 km. The secondary roads seem to have more bumps and sugar cane track crossings than the Bruce Highway.
"Mind if we call you Bruce to keep it clear?"