Sunday, September 1, 2013


[Michele] Having visitors means that we get to do tourist things.  Last Thursday we pulled the kids out of school and 7 of us (4 Andresens + my mom, step-dad and Gavin's  mum) spent the day on a 60 foot sail boat.  The family that lives on the boat (mom, dad and 9 year old son) takes small groups out to explore the Family Islands.  All of us were really hoping to see some Humpback whales but no luck with that.  They were spotted the day before and even that morning but we didn't see any.  Nevertheless, we had a fantastic time exploring two islands, snorkeling some fringing reef, eating wonderful food and sailing around and chatting with the Big Momma sailing family as well as three other guests.  Well we didn't end up chatting much with one lady because she was sea sick the entire time and spent the trip lying down. Poor girl.

Will drugged sleeping next to Coco the dog. On the other side
of Coco is the boat's minute herb garden.
My mom had distributed dramamine before we got on the boat, which might have helped some of us.  It didn't help Will though.  Here is the deal, Will doesn't actually get sea sick. But my mom, in her overzealous effort to prevent us from getting sick persuaded him to take a pill.   Have you ever taken dramamine?  It zonks you out. And if you are a 80 lb 11 year old, dramamine packs a punch.  Will spent the first couple hours asleep curled next to the boat's dog, a Chihuahua and Australian Terrier mix. (I know that sounds like a strange mix the but Coco was really cute and not yippy at all! He charmed us for sure.)

Family photo early on when Will is trying hard to stay awake.
Fortunately, after a few hours the dramamine wore off and Will perked up to join in on exploring the islands.

Robin the happy pirate.

Will and Grandma Lorna after lunch..
At the second island stop Gavin, Will, Robin and I had fun swimming around the boat and doing all sorts of jumps off the boat into the water.  I think that it had been over a decade since I had last done a somersault.

After a while we managed to settle into the sailing lifestyle.  Bedara Island with Dunk Island behind.
We had a great time sailing on Big Momma. Lisa, Stu, Fletcher and Coco were awesome and we can't wait to sail again with future visitors.